The registration of a trademark in Norway has as a main purpose the obtaining of protection for a distinctive image of a company. A foreign investor who wants to open a business in Norway must check first whether the proposed trademark won’t collide with other local trademarks. The authenticity of a trademark grants your business an unique presence on the market. Our specialists in company formation in Norway can help you prepare the documents required for trademark registration in order to comply with the intellectual property legislation in this country.
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How to register a trademark in Norway
If you intend to open a company in Norway and to apply for trademark registration, then you have to address the Norwegian Industrial Property Office (NIPO). The application procedure consists in several steps, the preparation of the specific documentation and the filing of the papers to the authorized desk. An optional step but recommendable is to realize a preliminary analysis of the registration probabilities. After the verification has been conducted by the Industrial Property Office, your trademark will receive approval and your company may collect the trademark certificate.
It is recommendable as well to employ a professional designer in order to elaborate a coherent and appealing image for your company. One of the requirements for trademark registration is to proposeone which shows evident connections with the commercial activity of your company. Moreover the check performed by the authorities will look for the originality of the conceptual and visual dimensions of your trademark. Our experts in company formation in Norway remain at your disposal for more information regarding the registration steps of a trademark in Norway. Additionally, you may count on us for other services like VAT registration in Norway. If you are a foreign businessperson, you can utilize our tax representation solutions to stay informed about changes in tax and accounting regulations at all times. Contact our experts for assistance with a range of business issues.
More tips for trademark registration in Norway
The Norwegian authorities offer to the investors an online platform which facilitates the verification of the names availability for companies and brands. This platform (Altinn), gives you the possibility as well to start a trademark registration procedure from abroad.
You will need to consult as well with a specialist in intellectual property law, who can explain you the Norwegian regulations and demands concerning the originality of a trademark. If your trademark provides a distinctive sign easily recognizable by the public you have more chances to obtain the approval. Moreover, our experts in Norwegian company formation can help you during the entire process of trademark registration in Norway to gather the documentation, to fill the required papers, and to file the application to the responsible institution.
Don’t hesitate to contact our firm for support in the formation of your company and trademark registration in Norway.
Two of the most crucial tasks to finish in order to open a company in Norway are opening a bank account and registering for taxation purposes. The first will allow you to execute all financial operations legally, whereas the second will allow you to conduct and record all financial transactions, as requested by the law.